Complete solutions for the food industry Contact

Complete solutions for the food industry.

Additives for the meat industry.

  • Preparations prolonging freshness
  • Spice compositions
  • Brine injections for meat processing
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Flavoured preparations
  • Dyes for use in meat industry
  • Emulsifying agents
  • Protein products
  • Resources for meat productions
  • Gelatine

Additives for the meat industry

Trans-Mat food deals with the production of functional mixtures and flavors for the meat industry- their usage allows meat to gain an exceptional taste and unique organoleptic properties. Also using TRANS-MAT food products, positively affects the performance of final products thanks to which our customers are able to achieve economic benefits.


TM-Food, 19-301 Szeligi, Przyprawowa 1, POLAND - Mobile +48 510 207 401 - e-mail: